Strategy Knotworking: turning ideas and ambitions into reality

Strategy Not Working: turning ideas and ambitions into reality

Strategy Knotworking: turning ideas and ambitions into reality
via Blog by Barry Overeem

Organizations use Scrum because they hope it can help them become more Agile. Think of delivering value to customers sooner by releasing early & often, decreasing cycle time and lead time, improving team morale, lowering the number of defects, optimizing return on investment and increasing innovation rate.

Working effectively with Scrum requires strategy. A strategy is essentially no more than a goal, followed by a series of actions required to achieve that goal as well as the players who need to involved.

As a Scrum Master, you develop and help others develop strategies to become more successful with Scrum. How is the Development Team going to collaborate to achieve the Sprint Goal? How will they improve over time? What strategy guides the releases of a product? How does management interact with Scrum Teams? How will the organization as a whole work and grow successfully with Scrum? It’s all about strategy.

This post offers an example of how a Scrum Master can use the “Strategy Knotworking” to help the Scrum Team turn their ideas and ambitions into reality. From the perspective of a Scrum Master, we give a description of a 1-day Strategy Knotworking workshop. Please note that this is merely an example intended to make the seemingly abstract process of “Strategy Knotworking” tangible. The program will always be unique for each workshop, and tailor-made for the situation at hand.

“As a Scrum Master, you help others develop strategies to become more successful with Scrum.”

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