Remote Agile Transitions — The Top-Ten Challenges

Remote Agile Transitions — The Top-Ten Challenges

Remote Agile Transitions — The Top-Ten Challenges
via Blog by Stefan Wolpers

Why Remote Agile Accelerates Change

Three months into working with distributed teams, at least for the majority of us who are not working for one of the remote work pioneers like Automatic, Gitlab, or Buffer, operational issues at a tactical level have been addressed. Zoom has fixed many of the problems reported, we learned how to organize engaging remote events, and more people start embracing techniques like Liberating Structures or Training from the Back of the Room to get all sorts of work done. With a good outcome, as it seems that remote work improves productivity, at least when team members are engaged with their work.

Now that the dust is beginning to settle, I believe it is the right time to switch from survival mode with a focus on keeping operations running back to a more strategic way of handling change to become an agile organization.

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